Fruit Trees

Raspberry - Tulameen

 The Raspberry - Tulameen, is a juicy, large red fruit with delicious, true raspberry flavour. A cool climate raspberry with fewer thorns than most. It is a floricane type. In winter, only remove canes that have produced fruit that year , leaving new wood to develop fruit in the second year. Fruits ripen mid to late summer.

Growing Raspberries successfully requires cutting low to the ground each winter. An easy way to do this is to have them in a position where they can be mowed over. They will re-shoot in spring. Raspberries have good disease resistance. #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #raspberry #tulameenraspberry #backyardgarden

Avocado Trees 🥑🥑🥑

 A valuable commercial crop, the avocado tree thrives on rich, well-drained soil.

Due to flowering habits, avocado varieties are categorized into A and B groups. One variety is sufficient to produce adequate crops for the home garden, however by planting a tree from both groups, the harvest will be much greater.
Avocados begin to ripen once picked, and may take up to 10 days to reach maturity. Full size harvestable avocados can hold on the tree for weeks and you can pick as needed.
The fruits are rich with oily flesh, and are delicious eaten when fully ripe in sandwiches and salads. Guacamole is a famous blend of mashed avocado flesh, lemon or lime juice, onion, garlic, pepper and chili - it makes a very tasty dip. Avocados are very fussy about their soil conditions and will not tolerate wet feet or heavy soils, it is essential to prepare the ground for an avocado well before planting. Young trees are susceptible to sunburn and damage from frost, so a small shelter while they establish is a very good idea 🥑🥑🥑 #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #avocado #avocadotree #guacamole

Citrus 🍊🍋

 Citrus fruit trees are the most popular fruit bearing group of plants grown in Australia. The glossy green foliage, white scented flowers and colourful fruit make these trees just as suited to ornamental plantings and container growing as to the home orchard.

The fruit is produced in abundance, is nutritious, versatile and can be left on the tree for long periods. Citrus grows best in an open and sunny position.
Frost-free areas are preferable, however most citrus will tolerate light frost once they are established.
Correct planting and ongoing care as outlined in the catalogue is vital for long-term success. Selecting the varieties to grow is up to you, however we strongly recommend that your choice allows for the maximum spread of maturity times throughout the season 🍊🍋
#daleysfruit #daleysnursery #orange #lemon #citrus

Dwarf Fig - Brown

 The Dwarf Fig - Brown is a dwarf selection of a very sweet, brown skinned fig. Slow growing and compact, this small tree can be kept at about 1-1.5 m in height. Great for small spaces and pots.

Fresh figs are as different from the dried form as fresh cherries are to the glazed cherry. Cut open, they look very decorative and exotic. Eaten fresh the seeds are indistinct in texture and flavour from the flesh. Eaten dried, the skin thickens and the seeds become grainy and almost crunchy. There are hundreds of varieties and variations between figs but all are sweet and luscious

#daleysfruit #daleysnursery #fig #figtree #backyardgarden

Guava - sweet, fragrant, tropical

 The Guava Tree is a sweet, fragrant tropical fruit which ranges in size from a small egg size to that of a medium apple. To eat raw, guavas should be very ripe - when they are sweet, creamy and delicious.

They make excellent jams, preserves and sauces, too. Guava trees are very attractive with blotchy patched bark in greens, browns and creams. They have pretty fluffy flowers typical of their family, the Myrtles, and are ornamental whether in fruit or flower. Some varieties have burgundy foliage.
Guavas are ideal for use as fruiting hedges, landscaping trees, and as ornamental potted specimen trees where they will be happy to produce masses of fruit. The strawberry guava is more suited to smaller gardens because of its compact growing habit. Guava trees need protection from fruit flies and birds #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #guava #backyardgarden