Fruit Trees

Dwarf Low Chill - Peach and Nectarine - NEW

We have two new varieties a Peach and Nectarine available soon which will be fantatastic for people who live in QLD & NSW who don't live in overly cold climates. (Usually peaches and nectarines require colder climates but not these varieties )

The trees are tiny at only 60-80cm tall and the trials look promising not to mention the taste.

Make sure you put your email & mobile down so you can be notified when they are ready for sale.

Sunset Dwarf Red Leaf Nectarine - Get an Email when ready

Sunset Dwarf Red Leaf Peach - Get an Email when ready

The Nectarine Pictures
Sunset Dwarf Red Leaf NectarineSunset Dwarf Red Leaf NectarineSunset Dwarf Red Leaf Nectarine

The Peach Pictures
Close up of the leavesDwarf Red Leaf Peach Dwarf Red Leaf Peach Whole Tree View


  1. Any pictures of the fruit?

  2. I am following up now to get some pictures of the fruit. Check back soon.

  3. Thanx Correy

    Your handsome and helpful.

    The ripening times are for what area?

  4. Great article Thank

    you so much!

  5. I have one of these plants & I live in South Australia. I have had it planted for about a year. It has lost most of it leaves since the weather has turned cold, should I be worried? It seems to have buds on the stems.
