Fruit Trees

Dwarf Almond - Self-pollinating Papershell



The Dwarf Almond is a compact selection of the excellent, self-pollinating Papershell Almond. This backyard friendly tree bears heavy crops of soft-shelled almonds with a good, sweet flavour.
The mid-season kernels are broad, full and oval in shape. Almonds require a climate with dry Summer/Autumn and cool winters 🌸 #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #dwarfalmond #almond #selfpollinating

Eureka Lemon 🍋🌿

 The Eureka Lemon is probably the most widely grown lemon in the world. It is a true sour lemon with a high juice and acid content. The tree can have fruit most of the year. The fruit is thin-skinned and virtually seedless. An almost thornless variety makes harvesting, pruning and growing the Eureka an easy choice.

It is a highly productive variety of large flavourful lemons. The main crop will be harvested during Winter. If you like to use lemons in your kitchen, then you could juice any excess lemons and store in the freezer for later, or make some preserved lemons or share with friends 🍋🍋🍋🌿🌿🌿 #daleyfruit #daleysnursery #eurekalemon #citrus #lemon

The Photinia Red Robin 🍂

 The Photinia Red Robin is a fast growing evergreen shrub, with a dense habit that responds well to pruning. New foliage growth is a brilliant red in colour, changing to bronze-green as the season progresses and maturing to be dark green.

Showy white flowers appear in clusters to be followed by small berries. Ideal as a long lasting hedge, a focal point shrub/small tree, topiarised, or in pots on balconies and in courtyards 🍂 #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #photiniaredrobin #hedge

Cinnamon Tree

 The Cinnamon Tree is highly ornamental tree and the source of cinnamon spice. The beautiful red new growth is highly distinctive. The spice itself is the inner bark that is peeled from the branches after 2 years. Scrape the outer bark, then peel the inner bark, then leave for a day so that the inner bark curls into cinnamon sticks as it dries. They are distinctive in the many layered quills they produce that, when crushed, will shard rather than snap.

Cinnamon is a very elegant and useful aromatic - much kinder to the palate than other spices. It imparts a distinctively sweet flavour when used. The leaves themselves are higher in clove oil than cinnamaldehyde, the active component of the sweet aromatic scent of cinnamon #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #cinnamontree #cinnamon

Davidson Plum 🌿

 The Davidson Plum is an outstanding small tree that prefers warm conditions and some shade. The sour purple fruits have bright red flesh that makes excellent jam. Davidsonia jerseyana is the southern form - it fruits in the summer months and is generally a smaller plant than the northern Davidsonia pruriens. The fruit form around the trunk of the tree and form a striking display #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #davidsonplum #fruittree #backyardgarden

The exotic Madrono fruit

 The Madrono is a very attractive slow growing tree, with dark green leathery leaves. Native to wet forests of Central America, the Madrono has oval shaped fruits that are produced in summer reaching up to 5cm. The white pulp has a pleasant slightly sour aromatic flavour, but can be quite acid if harvested prematurely.

The tree is very ornamental, making an excellent potted display plant. While the tree may not produce fruit in colder regions, the leaves are quite cold hardy and can tolerate winter conditions. May require protection from frosts when young. The tree is hardy to most soil conditions and is not nutrient demanding #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #madrono #ornamentalplant

The Blue Quandong 💙

 The Blue Quandong is a fast growing rainforest tree. The species is well regarded for its timber and as a key element in regenerating rainforest. The fruit of this species is round and blue, between 20 and 30 mm across, and has a seed with deep convolutions in its shell.

These are eaten whole by cassowaries, woompoo pigeon, and spectacled flying foxes, who pass the nut undamaged. A large tree grows up to 50 metres tall, usually with elaborate buttressed roots.
Flowers, fruit, foliage, and shape make this an ideal tree for large gardens or parks 💙 #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #bluequandong #backyardgarden

Nagasakiwase Loquat 🧡

The Nagasakiwase Loquat is the best Japanese variety so far, it has deep orange flesh, high flesh/seed ratio and very sweet flavour. Earliest variety to ripen. Thinning fruit will enhance fruit size. The Nagasakiwase often has 2 crops a year in the subtropics. The first crop in April/May then again in August. We have found by cincturing in summer, the August crop has a much larger crop and better fruit size #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #loquat


Golden Emperor - Custard Apple

 The Golden Emperor is a self fertile Custard Apple with a dwarfing habit, making it ideal for backyards in warmer climates. The fruits have a lower seed count than some varieties. This is a new release custard apple that will produce good crops of tangy sweet fruit for you! #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #custardapple #goldenemperor

The Florigon Mango 🥭

 The Florigon Mango is definitely the winner in the taste department. The soft, sweet flesh melts in your mouth. The fruit has a small seed, great flavour, and virtually no fibre. Considered by some to be too small for the market, it certainly makes up for its lack of size with taste. Yellow skinned, excellent quality fruits. Sets well in subtropics 🥭🥭 #daleysfruit #daleysnursery #mango #florigonmango #backyardgarden #subtropicalfruit