Truffle 🖤🤍

  Truffles have a pungent aroma that can be loosely described as of fresh earth and sweet mushrooms. Their taste can enhance many foods such as soups, dips and pates, salads, sauces, dressings, omelettes and main meals.

The irresistible allure of their unique aroma, flavour and taste accounts for their gourmet status, and demand by consumers, and makes them a highly valued ingredient. The host trees are the Pine Nut, or Pinus pinea, or Enlish Oak, Quercus robur, they are inoculated with truffle mycorrhiza.
In Europe, truffles thrive in nutrient poor, calcareous (lime) soils and a temperate climate. Therefore to establish a truffiare in Australia you will require an area with a similar climate, including rainfall & winter frosts, sufficient available water for drought proofing, and apply a great deal of lime to replicate the European soil types, you are looking for a soil pH of 8.
They need cold winter temperatures with a few frosts. Hot summer temperatures for initiating truffle formation.
#daleysfruit #daleysnursery #truffle #backyardgarden

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