How to grow Kumquat Trees & Which is best?

We have grown side by side 3 different Kumquat fruit trees. Dwarf Kumquts, Semi Dwarf Kumquats and Regular Kumquat Fruit Trees.

We show you the differences between each one and how to get the most out of them by giving them the fertiliser they need to grow. We also explore their uses.

Kumquats mentioned are
Nagami Kumquat Tree
Meiwa Kumquat Tree
Calamondin Kumquat Tree

Kumquat Fruit Trees are for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery here:

The Dwarf Calamondin Kumquat Fruit Tree featured is for sale here:

and a regular sized Calamondin Kumquat Fruit Tree variety here:

now everybody loves growing citrus trees
they're not only productive but they're
also beautiful ornamental plants to grow
as a potted ornamental plant this is the
Australian Calamondin and in the
Philippines it's also known as the
calamansi and it's a really popular
fruit to use in marinades and dressings
so this is a fantastic little juicy
fruit and you can squeeze all that
lovely acidic juice out it's used in all
sorts of Asian cooking and it's also
fantastic if you like making marmalade
so this is the Calamondin grow it
because it looks beautiful and grow it
to use these beautiful tasty fruit so
when you're choosing your Kalamunda nor
your kumquat to grow in your garden
knowing which is the best one for you
can depend on what your space is like so
here I have a dwarf Calamondin and you
can see that it's a really small and
compact plant and it's also perfect for
growing in pots so if you want a lovely
potted specimen or a small compact tree
choose a dwarf tree and that way you can
fit it into small spaces and if you want
something a little bit larger something
grafted onto a semi dwarfing rootstocks
like trifoliatia it's going to give
you a slightly larger tree so this is a
Meiwa and in the background there I
have a Nagami so these are different
types of kumquats and there are
different root stocks that you can
select them on so choose a dwarf for
small spaces and pots and go for your
regular root stock if you want something
a little bit larger

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