How to grow Kumquat Trees & Which is best?

We have grown side by side 3 different Kumquat fruit trees. Dwarf Kumquts, Semi Dwarf Kumquats and Regular Kumquat Fruit Trees.

We show you the differences between each one and how to get the most out of them by giving them the fertiliser they need to grow. We also explore their uses.

Kumquats mentioned are
Nagami Kumquat Tree
Meiwa Kumquat Tree
Calamondin Kumquat Tree

Kumquat Fruit Trees are for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery here:

The Dwarf Calamondin Kumquat Fruit Tree featured is for sale here:

and a regular sized Calamondin Kumquat Fruit Tree variety here:

now everybody loves growing citrus trees
they're not only productive but they're
also beautiful ornamental plants to grow
as a potted ornamental plant this is the
Australian Calamondin and in the
Philippines it's also known as the
calamansi and it's a really popular
fruit to use in marinades and dressings
so this is a fantastic little juicy
fruit and you can squeeze all that
lovely acidic juice out it's used in all
sorts of Asian cooking and it's also
fantastic if you like making marmalade
so this is the Calamondin grow it
because it looks beautiful and grow it
to use these beautiful tasty fruit so
when you're choosing your Kalamunda nor
your kumquat to grow in your garden
knowing which is the best one for you
can depend on what your space is like so
here I have a dwarf Calamondin and you
can see that it's a really small and
compact plant and it's also perfect for
growing in pots so if you want a lovely
potted specimen or a small compact tree
choose a dwarf tree and that way you can
fit it into small spaces and if you want
something a little bit larger something
grafted onto a semi dwarfing rootstocks
like trifoliatia it's going to give
you a slightly larger tree so this is a
Meiwa and in the background there I
have a Nagami so these are different
types of kumquats and there are
different root stocks that you can
select them on so choose a dwarf for
small spaces and pots and go for your
regular root stock if you want something
a little bit larger

Kangaroo Paw Bush Pearl - Creating a Hedge

This striking plant has red coloured flowers that sometimes in certain angles resemble the the paws of a kangaroo.

This particular variety is special because of how many flowers it produces that will liven up a tiny portion of your backyard.

The Kangaroo Paw Bush Pearl Plant is for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery here:

Here's a beautiful little Ozzie Native
for anyone who likes a little
bit of colour in your garden.
and lovese growing Australian plants.
This is the Bush Pearl
Kangaroo Paw
And like all the kangaroo paws.
It's just a stunning edging plant
to have in your garden.I've just
got it popped in the corner of this
Herb garden and it just brings
a little bit of joy to everybody who
sees it during the day it's
absolutely stunning
To grow this all you need to do
is cut off the spent flowers
and you can actually lift and
and divide it so you can see
all these little plantlets that are
growing and if you want to
you can lift your plant when it
finishes flowering, divide these
into individual plants and you'll
end up with having 10
of these beautiful things in
your garden

Growing Grapefruits - The Honneffs Surprise

You can buy the Grapefruit Honneff Surprise Fruit Tree regular size and also as a Dwarf Grapefruit Honneff surprise fruit tree

I'm going to show you a beautiful citrus
here today this is called a Honneffs
Surprise looks like a grapefruit it
smells like a grapefruit but it's
actually a hybrid cross so it's a cross
between a grapefruit and an orange and
what that does is it gives the fruit
this beautiful blush so it's a little
bit more orange in color and it's also a
little bit more sweet so if you love
grapefruit you're going to love the Honneffs
Surprise. So like growing all citrus
trees you're going to need a full Sun
position and you're going to need good
drainage so they like plenty of
moisture they like really
well-drained soil and they're heavy
feeders so you're going to need to give
your tree some well balanced nutrition
about three or four times a year so lots
of compost lots of mulch and a balanced
NPK fertiliser and then in the winter
months when you most need your vitamin C
you're going to be picking these big
juicy beautiful fruits and eating them
for breakfast every day

Variegated Kumquat Fruit Tree - Stripy Fruit

Unlike normal Kumquats the Variegated Kumquat Fruit Tree has these green and yellow stripes. This plant is really going to stand out in your backyard. Often people use them as a feature plant. They are very popular grown in pots.

if you want to grow a beautiful
productive ornamental potted fruit tree
you can't really go past this which is a
variegated kumquat and even the fruits
are variegated so they have this
beautiful stripy fruits on them which
can be quite striking and the foliage
has that lovely variegation to it
beautiful little flowers and it makes an
absolutely lovely pot plant if you have
a pair of these at your front door it's
supposed to bring you good luck they
also make the most fantastic kumquat
marmalade so if you'd like something
productive something beautiful have a
look at the variegated kumquat

Grafted Passionfruit Pandora Panama Red

Passionfruit Vines are fast and "needy". To get them off to a great start you need to know these tips about.

1. Trellis and location.
2. Grafted Varieties which one to choose.
3. Heavy Feeders Location and Planting
4. Pruning - Keeping your vine fresh and "walking the line"
5. Frost Protection - We show you how to protect your vine for those very cold Winter mornings.

Featured in this youtube is the proven variety.
Passionfruit Panama Red Pandora Passionfruit for sale


Now this beautiful passionfruit is the
Pandora Panama red passionfruit
because it has this beautiful red skin
and the aroma coming off this cut fruit
is just sensational
it's just mouth-wateringly beautiful is
all I can say about the smell of
passionfruit I absolutely adore them and
who doesn't and who doesn't want to grow
their own vine


so how do you choose the right passion
fruit and what do you need to do when
you're planting one in your garden now
this is a grafted passion fruit and the
advantage of choosing a grafted passion
fruit like the Pandora is that you're
going to know exactly what you're going
to get when you pick your fruit so the
Pandora is a selection of the Panama red
and you can plant a Panama red seedling
which is great because they're vigorous
they're easier to grow they take a
little bit longer to fruit so seedling
will take about 12 to 18 months whereas
the Pandora is going to start to flower
and fruit in its first year and you're
going to be picking beautiful passion
fruits within 12 months they're also
going to be treated tight so you all the
fruit you pick off are going to have the
same quality so you can see this is a
beautiful full fruit it has lots of
seeds lots of juice and when you cut it
open that fruit is actually full of all
that beautiful passion fruit which is
what you're growing it for so select the
variety that best suits you and I've
chosen to grow this Pandora in my garden


the passion fruit vines are heavy
feeders fast growers and then need
something some sort of support to climb
on so I've actually selected a carport
to grow this line on and it makes my
carport look like a better space it
softens the rough edges of the building
and it gives me beautiful fruit in the
morning when I arrive at work and I just
trim off all the edges as it grows what
you need to do when you plant your
passion fruit is have a trellis to grow
it on ready to go and plant it in a full
Sun free-draining rich site so there was
an old wives tale to plant a liver at
the bottom of the hole and the reason
being is your passion fruit is a heavy
feeder so it's kind of like lots of
nutrition as it grows so make sure that
you're able to feed it with a general
Npk fertilizer so nice rich balanced
fertilizer that's going to give you
foliage but is also going to support the
flowers and the fruit as they develop


so the other really important thing to
do when you're growing passion fruit is
to know that pruning is important so all
the fruit and flowers are going to
appear on this new growth so what you
need to do as it comes into the new
growing season so at the end of winter
and the fruit are just about to finish
so once your fruit finish on your vine 
you need to give it a good prune if you
look at it you can see there's some dead
wood so these are just branches that
have died off you just prune out
anything like that take them right off
to where they're at the base of the vine
and then any of the very long shoots so
you need to actually follow your your
shoots up find out where the ends are
such as this on and then cut it back so
find where it comes on to the main stem
you might cut it back to where it's
making new growth so you can in that way
you can keep your vine happy on the
trellis take out any of the old growth
take out of any of the very woody growth
keep it short so that you're going to
produce lots of new shoots and on all
those new shoots you're going to get
loads of flower and lots of beautiful


here in Kyogle would get a bit of cold
weather in the winter so it's not
unusual for us to get quite a few
Frost's so a sensitive plant like this
which is a warm loving passionfruit we
actually protect these from frost and
the worst area for frost is down near
ground level so what we've done is we've
actually wrapped the trunk of this
passion fruit with a bit of frost
protective material and it prevents the
stem from being ring bucked and it
ensures that your passion for it
survives any cool weather if you
actually live in a cold plate like
Victoria it might be that you look at
black passion fruits is your best option
