Seedling Jackfruit Fruit Tree - Up to 24kg in weight

Seedling Jackfruit Trees can crop Jackfruit within 4 years even though the fruit can weigh up to 24kg. They are great wind breaks and the fruit is used in many dishes throughout the world.

Seedling Jackfruit Fruit Trees are for sale
Seedling Grown Jackfruit Fruit Tree for sale

Transcript of Seedling Grown Jackfruit Video

Feels like a bag of cement to me. It's a beauty.Now this is a seedling Jakfruit Tree Jakfruits are one of the most stunning trees and impressive trees and that's basically because of the size of the fruit. So they do produce the largest fruit in the world with some varieties producing fruit that are 20 kg or 24kg even so really big fruit. so really big fruit and we're going to try picking  one of these big ones today and getting it back. So it weighs about  as much as a bag of cement. and we have got to carry it 
 down the hill But this seedling tree would be about 20 years old and it's quite a large tree They fruit off their main trunk and branches and unusually they can also fruit off their roots. if they're exposed so they can produce fruit on the ground but most of them come off the main trunk and branches closest to the trunk and obviously that is where the wood is the thickest. so it can hold the weight of of the fruit great tree to grow you do need a frost free location so they are going to prefer the tropics or the subtropics but they are also quite a hardy tree so if you want to grow them outside of that range and you've got a frost free location they're certainly worth trying. They make a great win break tree so seedling trees are ideal for that and they're actually great for protecting your more sensitive trees like lychees from strong winds so grow your jakfruits on the outside and give them plenty of room so that they can grow into the beautiful majestic tree that that they are

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