Yuzu - a citrus delight


Native to China, the Yuzu has been used and cultivated in this region for thousands of years. The fruit is tart, resembling a grapefruit with mandarin overtones. It is rarely eaten as a fresh fruit, but is used to makes sauces, preserves and a popular yuzu vinegar. In Korea, thinly sliced fruits are combined with sugar and honey to make a thick marmalade like syrup. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from green or ripe yellow yuzu zest, chillis and salt. The yuzu is more cold tolerant than most other citrus, being able to tolerate to -5 degrees ❄

Jaboticaba - A sweet and aromatic fruit πŸŒΏπŸ–€


The Jaboticabas habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. Fruit is similar to a grape, with a sweet and aromatic flavour. The new growth is a coppery colour, and along with their beautiful honey scented flowers, it makes for a very ornamental tree. The Jaboticaba bears heavy crops of quality fruit that can be eaten fresh from the tree. Often fruiting up to 3 times per year. Time from flowering to fruit being ready to eat is only 30 days πŸŒΏπŸ–€

Delicious Red Shahtoot Mulberries

Red Shahtoots are delicious and wonderfully textured. Not Super sweet like White Shahtoots. They're great for pots and in the ground, and are easily kept to 2m with a yearly pruning routine. Suiting Subtropical and Temperate Climates, they are sparse in Winter and provide dense shade in Spring and Summer. You only need one as they are self fertile, and unlike generic black mulberries, they don't stain. #redshahtootmulberry #daleysfruit