NEW! Dwarf Apples Low Chill 2 WAY!

 NEW! Dwarf Apples Low Chill 2 WAY! Two of our favourite low chill apples on the one tree. Dig just one hole for this multi grafted tree 🍏🍎💚 Dorsett Golden and Tropic Sweet fruiting together 🍎💚🍏

Limited trees available now 😁
Go to for more info
Happy double Apple-ing 🍏💚🍎

#fruit #apple #low #chill #lowchill #backyardsmall
#homegrown #espalier #espalierfruittrees #deciduous
#golden #red #enjoy #multigraft

A beautiful big box of Dorsett Golden Apples 🍏

 Lucky us to receive a big box of locally grown organic Dorsett Golden Apples from Green Goddess Farm

💚 They are crunchy, sweet and a little tart 😋 An excellent apple for eating fresh or cooking.
🍎Yes you can buy apples most places - you can also grow beauties like these in your own backyard.
🍏Low chill or high chill, we have trees that will work for you.
🍎2 compatible varieties are required for cross pollination.
🍏Dorsett Golden will pair with Tropic Anna or Tropic Sweet. Grow all three!
🍎Grafted trees produce first crops in approx 2-3yrs
🍏Dwarf or Full size trees available
🍎Grow in Full sun, moderate water, and feed with organic fruit tree food regularly.
🍏Net trees and use fruit fly traps to protect fruit from pests
🍎Love all the amazingly tasty fresh and nutritious fruits you grow 💚