Choose Your Delivery Date when Buying Plants Online

  • How long can I hold my order? Depending on the make up of your order a dropdown of delivery date options is provided. When ordering plants that must be sent immediately this dropdown menu will not be displayed.
  • Will my trees have to be pruned back if they grow too large? Yes we prepared a youtube discussing this topic.
Video: Why we prune our trees before we send them to you.
  • Can I receive them tall and un-pruned? Yes, you can pick them up or we can send them in a pallet.
  • Can I receive my order in a pallet with tall Plants? Yes, When ordering 50+ large trees contact us to find out what the pallet rate is to your address. Pallets allow for tall plants up to 1.5 meters in height.

  • Where is a list of every plant in stock right now? Daley's Entire Plant List
  • Can I add to my order after it is placed? Yes we include a large green button in your confirmation email

Edible Pandanus in Cooler Climates in Australia. Smells like coconut & vanilla

We are successfully growing Edible Pandanus in our cooler subtropical climate. The leaves smell like coconut & vanilla and are used in cooking both mains and deserts. It is highly tropical but with a few tricks you can grow them in subtropical and cooler climates.

Buy Edible Pandanus is for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Pests: Monolepta Beetle Destroying Fruit Trees (Organic Pest Control)

Organic methods to to deal with the Monolepta Beetle or Redshouldered leaf beetle.

Monolepta Beetle,Fruit Trees,Pests,Organic,Redshouldered leaf beetle

How to Grow Vanilla Vines in 3 Years

We show you how Vanilla Vines were grown in this shade house to produce Vanilla Pods. It is only 3 years old. Also we show how Preparing the Soil and hand pollination techniques produce a thriving vanilla plantation.

You can see this vanilla plantation at Sweet Farm Tours

Buy Vanilla Vines - for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Rambutan Fruit Trees - Fruit Forest Farm

A lot goes into the perfect Rambutans Fruit Tree. Just like Apple Trees there are many different varieties and finding the best one is what Peter Salleras has an eye for.

On our trip to Far North Queensland we visited Fruit Forest Farm (Taste and Tour the Tropics)

10/10 for excitement and awe. Then there is the taste.

Rambutan Fruit Trees are for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Should Durian Taste like this? Durain Fruit Trees at Kuranda Rainforest Journeys

We found Durian in Kuranda near Cairns with John Marshall from Kuranda Rainforest Journeys

We took one back demonstrated how to open Durian and then all gave our impressions of the taste of durian. Should it taste like this?

Buy Durian Fruit Trees - For Sale from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Red ilama - Strawberry Taste, Custard Apple texture with Steve Trenerry

The Annona Diversifolia or common name Red ilama is one for backyards because they need to be picked after the split but before they drop to the ground and shatter. The Texture, colour and taste will have you in awe. We shared this experience and learnt from Steve Trenerry a very active passionate fruit tree collector.

Please Note: This is not currently available from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery but may be in the future if trials are successful in our subtropical climate.

Grafted Jujube Fruit Trees - How to grow Ju Jubes (Ziziphus jujuba)

Grafted Dwarf Jujubes in bonsai planter bags need to be cared for as they grow. We show you how to maintain them and give them the nutrients they need to flourish. A Fruit Tree that is great in pots.

Taste is important and we discuss their texture and sweetness along with showing you their seed.

JuJubes Trees are for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
Buy Jujube Plants

The particular variety in this youtube is called the Sherwood Jujube Fruit Tree
Buy Jujube Fruit Trees for sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Crepe Myrtle Tuscarora - Decorate Your Street

The Crepe Myrtle Tuscarora Flowering tree for cool to subtropical climates. Often used as a street tree for screening because of it's eye catching flowers and it stays relatively small.
Buy Crepe Myrtle Tuscarora For Sale from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Make Sure Dragon Fruit Flowers turn into Pitaya Fruit - Pearl White Flesh

Many people buy different varieties of Dragon Fruit and although they flower they will not fruit. It comes down to pollination and we show how the Pearl Pitaya is great for pollinating these other varieties.

Buy Pitaya Pearl Dragon Fruit For Sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Madrono Fruit Tree - Like Achacha for colder Climates (Garcinia intermedia)

Most people know the Achacha and have seen and tasted them in Australian Supermarkets. The madrono fruit tree is quite similar but the tree can handle frosts that are a lot cooler.

The crop on this tree is fantastic as well.

Buy Madrono Fruit Trees for sale from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Why Figs taste different each season - Gooey Figs

Gooey Figs taste a lot better when you get a hot dry summer in the subtropics. Emulating an arid climate will produce fig trees with a lot less moisture because they can stay on the fig tree for a lot longer without cracking opening and ruining or being picked early.

Buy Fig Black Genoa Fruit Trees: For Sale at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Nursery Women - International Womens Day

Celebrating International Women's Day.

Meet the dynamic team of beautiful women that work here at Daley's Nursery.

Kath has been here for 16 years, doesn't time fly. She loves taking pictures and videos of fruit, eating it, sharing it and talking about it. Kath shares her knowledge on our website, youtubes as well as in magazines and on the radio. She has a regular column about wildlife in the Kyogle Talking Turkey.

Shell is a mother of one. She is a tough, strong and dynamic worker who can toil all day in the heat of the poly houses. She runs production and works the nursery puzzle, fitting all the plants in where they should be, as well as maintaining their shape and form. It is always easy to see where Shell has been as she makes beautiful plants where ever she goes.

Carla has been here forever. She has been a part of the business as it has grown and developed over the years. Carla also runs her own business, Middle Creek Nursery, growing and grafting trees for the markets, you might meet her other half, Roy at The Channon Market, where they sell their trees.

Aliya is our most tidy and organized member of staff. She is responsible for sending out all the single orders so if you have ordered one plant, Aliya will have packed and sent your order. She never gets it wrong.

Erin, mother of five. She can always be found in the garden where she does her best to grow enough food to feed the family. Erin is taking on the role of sourcing seeds and propagation, so if you have any unusual fruit trees or seeds that you think we might want, send Erin a message.

Jenny is a mother of four and grandmother of three. Jenny organizes all the mail orders for dispatch. We all fall apart when Jenny is not here to keep us in order. Neat and meticulous, you might also meet Jenny in the shop.

Nina, mother on one, almost grown up teenager. Nina is our expert grafter. When not here she is working as a career looking after our much loved friend, Tyler Daley.

Paning, mother of one. Paning is expert at propagating, grafting and taking cuttings. She maintains our hot house and is a meticulous organiser.

Pauline, mother of three. Pauline is the leader of the dispatch team, making sure that everyone gets their orders on time, she is a gentle communicator who brings us all together. She also runs her own business growing chemical free garlic.

Bianca, mother of two and champion endurance rider. Bianca loves working in the shop, meeting all our wonderful customers as well as dispatching our mail orders.

Sophie, if she is not in the dispatch shed she will be in production, potting up. Sophie is our resident wildlife and animal expert as she also works as a wildlife carer and vet nurse.

Amber is the young person in our team. She works in the shop on Saturday as well as helping her mum at home in the garlic patch.

Sarah is a mother of two. Sarah is our newest member of staff, but she has slipped comfortably into the team with her cheerful personality.

Acclimatising & Unboxing Fruit Trees before you Plant them

You just received New Plants

When you bring home new fruit trees and plants you need to acclimatise them. This involves making sure they have enough water and a sunny position. We recommend at least 1-2 weeks hardening them up before planting them.

Young Plants

For plants that you purchase that are small and young. It is also recommended that you pot small plants into a bigger pot size. You may need to do this 2-3 times each time going into a larger pot size. This is particularly important when growing plants outside of their climatic region.

Youtube  - Unboxing and Acclimatising Young Plants

We show you in great detail all these procedures to ensure that your young plants will have the best chance of survival.

Buy Scionwood from Daleys Nursery to Graft in Your Backyard

We have a new list of Scion wood products here at Daleys!

Get notified when our scionwoods are available for sale

Scion wood is the horticultural term for the wood being grafted onto a rootstock, generally rootstocks are seedlings, maybe a year old, and a matching thickness for the scion wood. Scions are collected from a mature branch from the selected variety. Grafting is one technique used to propagate known varieties of fruit and nut trees, the offspring tree will produce fruit that is identical to the parent tree. It will also start to fruit withing 2-3 years, where as seedlings may take up to 8 years to mature to fruiting age.

Scions can also be grafted onto existing mature trees, which gives you the opportunity to create multi-grafts or enrich your pollination potential with a male branch on a female tree. 

Our Shoshoni (B) scionwood will be available in August, for example. and can be grafted onto our pecan seedling products, Apache or Riverside, or as a multi-graft onto one of our other varieties. The video linked below shows Kath, our favourite YouTube host, demonstrating how easy it is to create a multi-grafted citrus tree.  

All you need to graft your first plants are a sharp grafting knife, some florists tape or parafilm, your rootstock, and your scion wood. 

Scion wood will be available to buy soon on our website, with the Shoshoni Pecan wood coming available in August. We have a special discount of 20% for buying 5 or more scions, and we want to encourage everybody to have a go, it's quite addictive once you start. Our other varieties will be coming available soon, so jump over to our website and search the hashtag #ScionWood to see what is on offer. Don't forget to sign up for our notifications so you can be among the first to each variety as they come up, and feel free to drop a comment or message us if you think we need to expand our range or want to recommend anything in particular. 

Propagate by Marcotting - Gardening Australia Article February 2019

 Marcotting Fruit Trees - Try This At Home

When Phil Dudman from Gardening Australia last visited us at Daleys Nursery we were in the process of creating our lychee marcotts. Phil took photos of Dave as he created our Wai Chi Lychee marcotts. Here is Phil's article in the Feb 2019 Gardening Australia Magazine, with photos to help guide you through the process. The magazine is out now for you to purchase.

Make sure you check out our video tutorial too, and our results 

And have a go at making your own fruit trees by Marcotting or Air Layering as it is also known. We would love to hear your results.

Happy gardening.