Choose Your Delivery Date when Buying Plants Online

  • How long can I hold my order? Depending on the make up of your order a dropdown of delivery date options is provided. When ordering plants that must be sent immediately this dropdown menu will not be displayed.
  • Will my trees have to be pruned back if they grow too large? Yes we prepared a youtube discussing this topic.
Video: Why we prune our trees before we send them to you.
  • Can I receive them tall and un-pruned? Yes, you can pick them up or we can send them in a pallet.
  • Can I receive my order in a pallet with tall Plants? Yes, When ordering 50+ large trees contact us to find out what the pallet rate is to your address. Pallets allow for tall plants up to 1.5 meters in height.

  • Where is a list of every plant in stock right now? Daley's Entire Plant List
  • Can I add to my order after it is placed? Yes we include a large green button in your confirmation email