Buy Scionwood from Daleys Nursery to Graft in Your Backyard

We have a new list of Scion wood products here at Daleys!

Get notified when our scionwoods are available for sale

Scion wood is the horticultural term for the wood being grafted onto a rootstock, generally rootstocks are seedlings, maybe a year old, and a matching thickness for the scion wood. Scions are collected from a mature branch from the selected variety. Grafting is one technique used to propagate known varieties of fruit and nut trees, the offspring tree will produce fruit that is identical to the parent tree. It will also start to fruit withing 2-3 years, where as seedlings may take up to 8 years to mature to fruiting age.

Scions can also be grafted onto existing mature trees, which gives you the opportunity to create multi-grafts or enrich your pollination potential with a male branch on a female tree. 

Our Shoshoni (B) scionwood will be available in August, for example. and can be grafted onto our pecan seedling products, Apache or Riverside, or as a multi-graft onto one of our other varieties. The video linked below shows Kath, our favourite YouTube host, demonstrating how easy it is to create a multi-grafted citrus tree.  

All you need to graft your first plants are a sharp grafting knife, some florists tape or parafilm, your rootstock, and your scion wood. 

Scion wood will be available to buy soon on our website, with the Shoshoni Pecan wood coming available in August. We have a special discount of 20% for buying 5 or more scions, and we want to encourage everybody to have a go, it's quite addictive once you start. Our other varieties will be coming available soon, so jump over to our website and search the hashtag #ScionWood to see what is on offer. Don't forget to sign up for our notifications so you can be among the first to each variety as they come up, and feel free to drop a comment or message us if you think we need to expand our range or want to recommend anything in particular. 

Propagate by Marcotting - Gardening Australia Article February 2019

 Marcotting Fruit Trees - Try This At Home

When Phil Dudman from Gardening Australia last visited us at Daleys Nursery we were in the process of creating our lychee marcotts. Phil took photos of Dave as he created our Wai Chi Lychee marcotts. Here is Phil's article in the Feb 2019 Gardening Australia Magazine, with photos to help guide you through the process. The magazine is out now for you to purchase.

Make sure you check out our video tutorial too, and our results 

And have a go at making your own fruit trees by Marcotting or Air Layering as it is also known. We would love to hear your results.

Happy gardening.