Orange Fruit Trees in the News - Macular Degeneration

An orange a day keeps the macular degeneration away, early research finds
Oranges and Juice from Left to Right ( Picked from the tree this-morning)

🇦🇺If you're Australian, 1 in 7 of us 50+ will have our central eye sight worsen. Called Macular Degeneration.

🍊🍊 Oranges 🍊🍊
"So we know it's not to do with the Vitamin C in oranges. We can speculate it's likely to be the flavonoids or it's something else in oranges." says lead researcher Bamini Gopinath.

Early stages but moral of this story could be it's not the tablets, it's not the powders it's eating the entire fruit.

Of course at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery we give you an extra tick if you grow your own oranges. 👍👍👍👍
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Red Love Apple Tree - It's GMO FREE

Red Love Apple Tree - Showing Red flesh

It's Dwarf, It's different, It's GMO free (Selection created by hard work), It's taste is like a granny smith even though the skin and flesh is red. It's the new Red Love Apple Fruit Tree.

Often backyard growers don't get an opportunity to grow new exciting varieties like this Red Love Apple. You might remember a certain "un-named plum" everyone wanted but was not available to backyard growers. In a good news story the team at Redlove Apple Australia have made it so Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery can deliver this apple tree bare root ( dormant stage with no leaves ) to your door and you can be part of the first people growing this very exciting new variety.
Climate: You do need some chill hours to produce apples so suitable climates are cool and warm temperate climates.

Multi Graft: About 3 way Apple Trees Fuji,Gala,Pink Lady

Top: Fuji Apple Middle: Gala Apple Bottom: Pink Lady Apple
Vote or comment with your favourite Apple variety. 

Did you know you can grow all 3 apple varieties on 1 tree. It is called a 3 way because 3 apple varieties are grafted onto the same rootstock also referred to as a multi graft. There are also 2 way but so far we haven't come across 4 ways perhaps this is something you can add at home when you reach Advanced level. Pollination between varieties is all taken care of too. 

Newbies often ask well can I grow a apple and an orange on the same tree. The answer is No. The rootstock is not compatible. You can look for "Way" in our search box to bring up nectarine and pear "3 way" and "2 ways" that come as bare rooted fruit trees.

Climate. These types of apples need high chill so you will need to be in a temperate to warm temperate climate for them to produce apples. Otherwise there are subtropical apple trees for those of us living in warmer climates like tropical anna or dwarf dorsette.