Mount Warning forest Hideaway

This is me at the entrance where I got some honey 

Which went perfect with lots of lemons

To make lemonade.

Such a great part of the world where everybody wants to grow their own food without pesticides.

Monsterio Tree or fruit salad tree

This fruit tree has such lush large leaves.

The fruit salad tree looks like it belongs in a rainforest.
The fruit can be picked before the possums or bats would want it and allowed to ripen in your house where it will fill it with a sweet perfumed smell.

The outer green layered skin falls off of its own accord leaving the sweet white flesh which is eaten and enjoyed in tiny amounts because unlike a banana which can be eaten entirely when ready only a small portion of the monsterio can be eaten.

Yes the taste is a mixture of lots of fruits or a fruit salad.

Great plant to grow purely on its rainforest look but the tasty fruit is fantastic too.

Guava Tree

Guavas I believe need to be eaten in full. The three different textures of the firm skin, soft pink juicy inside and very crunchy and hard seeds

Covered in guavas.
They fruit turns yellow when ready and when you pick it they almost fall into your hand.

Muscadine Noble Grape Vine

Harvesting Muscadine Grape Vines

An American Grape that has small bunches and very resistant to many diseases that are a problem for many Australians who live in hotter humid climate environments.

Visit Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery in Kyogle

Come and Visit us At Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery in Kyogle

Come and Visit us at Daleys Nursery we specialise in Fruit & Nut Trees and we sell everything from Avocado Trees to Yacons we also do a really wide range of nut trees if you would prefer something like a Chestnut or a Pecan Nut Tree.

We have beautiful bush foods like the finger lime or if you would prefer something ornamental like these wonderful Magnolias.

If you would like a headstart in your orchard then how about an advanced fruit tree.

Carambola Trees with Pictures

Carambola Inside and Out What my carambola tree or Star Fruit Tree looks like from the outside. It has beautiful weeping foliage that hangs to the ground.


When I crawl in under the tree the bounty of fruit becomes visible, it is loaded with fruit.


 Carambolas are delicious eaten straight off the tree.


 or they can be sliced to reveal their beautiful star shape

The flowers are also beautiful they are small, pink and prolific

I love my carambola tree