Our Newest Little Aussies

We dropped all our tools last Monday 12th April, shut the shop and headed into the Kyogle Council offices to watch Paning and her daughter Mary become Australian citizens. This was the second time that the staff from the nursery had filled Kyogle's Council chambers to celebrate Australian citizenship, as Sophie had taken her oath back in January. It was a proud moment for all of us watching our mates swear their allegiance to our Nation and we would like to welcome you as our newest little Aussies. Congratulations Sophie, Paning and Mary.

Growing Jujubes and Eating Them

I have been in contact with Lucy who is an avid forum & My Edible contributer. You can view her public my edibles page here:

JuJube for Sale in Melbourne

She sent me a punnet of Jujubes:

They really were great tasting almost like an apple but with a different type of sweetness and also much more crunchy almost like a pear that isn't fully ripe.

Jujubes don't ripen at the same time and different varieties ripen at different times.
She says
"They only ripen one or two fruits per day so I may have to pick them over few days before sending to you. They also don't ripen off the trees. "

Daleys sells the trees Here so you can put your name down via email or sms to get notified when they are ready to be mail ordered to your address.

Jujubes, Ziziphus jujuba

However if you were in Melbourne and wanted to get in contact with Lucy she tocks many different varieties in grafted and bare rooted and they can be planted in winter

She grows all her jujubes in pots and says:

"I get 50 to 80 fruits per 5 years old tree comparing to growing in the ground you could get 5 times that much in an ideal environment. The good thing is they don't ripe at the same time so every week for my trees I only pick about a dozen riped fruits at the time. Hopefully, trees will get bigger and give me more fruits."

You can contact lucy at