How To Plant a Tree

Detailed instructions on tree planting. Aspects such as the size of the hole, how to do a drainage test, What fertilizer and other considerations.

After Care of Your Tree

How to care for you tree after planting such as storing labels and staking your tree.

For more information:

Guide to Care and Planting of Fruit Trees

New Thornless Blackberry

We would like to welcome a new Berry to our collection called the Thornless Blackberry. Our variety is: "Blackberry - Thornless Chester" One of it's best points is that in it's second season it is possible to get a bumper crop.

You can eat this berry when it turns black fresh off the vine or concoct a tart. I haven't tasted it myself but it is only a matter of time as I am a berry fan.

This spring I have noticed that berries such as blueberries and raspberries are also very popular among fruit enthusiasts.

I guess competing with bats, possums, birds and your family to eat these berries fresh from your orchard is worth it.

We have 40 coming of the new Blackberry - Thornless Chester so it will be interesting to see how this new American berry perform here in Australia.