Grafting Fruit Trees

Kath and Katie show the why and how of grafting fruit trees.

4 Month Old Paw Paw - Cutting Grown

Cutting grown Southern Red Paw Paw outside our office after 4 months
Paw Paws in Pots
We are currently trialing cutting grown paw paws and as you can see the results have been spectacular.

Advantage 1 Instead of taking 18 months to fruit a cutting grown paw paw takes only 4 months. Advantage 2 Sick of getting a ladder to pick your paw paws? Cutting grown pawpaws fruit at ground level. Advantage 3 You can even grow them in a pot. Disadvantage Cost. There is a lot more work involved in preparing the cuttings so they would cost $29 each as opposed to $10 for the seedlings. If we get enough people interested we will start making them a regular selection from our nursery. Would you like to be Emailed when they are ready for Sale? (Email me when the Cutting Grown Southern Red Paw Paw is ready)

Passion Flower

There is a lovely place in our orchard at the moment near the passionfruit vines. The aroma is the first thing that I notice as I near the trellis, there is a heady spicy scent in the air. I am then stopped in my tracks by these strikingly beautiful flowers which are produced in great numbers. We have the hybrid vines in the orchard these are a cross between the Giant Grandilla, Passiflora quadrangularis and the Sweet Lilikoi, Passiflora alata, both of which have equally beautiful flowers. It can be a little difficult to get them to set fruit and often hand pollination with a soft paint brush is the only way to ensure fruit set but they are worth the effort for their delicious fruits and are stunning if grown for the flowers alone. Picked flowers can be used in shallow saucers as table decorations or they are gorgeous when used to scent rooms with their magnificent fragrance, I often bring them up to the office to enjoy both the amazing complicated flower and the unusual perfume.