Fruit Trees

Dwarf Navelina Orange Fruit Tree - Big Crop, Best taste

There are Supermarket Oranges and then there are backyard grown, big cropping, sweet and juicy, Seedless, Full Tasting, Fresh room filling aroma, Magical Texture and "to live for" Oranges that will give you enough fruit to share with friends and family. The grafted Dwarf Navelina Orange tree is exactly this. Show us a backyard or a sunny patio and Daleys will say you need a Dwarf Navelina Orange tree growing right there.

Transcript from Orange Tree Video

This is one of my absolute favourite
citrus this is a Navelina orange and I
adore this citrus because it's a great
sized tree so you can see behind me it's
only a small compact tree and with the
Navelina it's actually the scion that
keeps it small so although it's grafted
onto trifoliata which is your regular
citrus rootstock it only grows a couple
of metres tall so it's a dwarf tree and
it's wide and broad it crops beautifully
and it has these absolutely deliciously
sweet juicy seedless oranges and I just
love it so it's one of my favorite
oranges in my orchard I've actually planted
more trees cause this one is so
productive so it's a early navel it
comes off in about May and like all
citrus it's a heavy feeder so it likes
regular nutrition some trace elements
every now and then lots of water when
it's fruiting and regular water
throughout the year and apart from that
its really easy to grow so you've got
no excuse not to have beautiful oranges
in your garden so get out there plant a
lovely navel orange and in May you'll be 
picking these beautiful home grown fruit

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